Don’t Correct Unless It Counts

An 'X' button on a red background implying a correction

We all have that friend, family member, or colleague who constantly makes tiny mistakes or mispronounces words. 


Before leaping at the opportunity to correct them — especially on a minor thing — ask yourself one question: does it really matter?


Unless that person has invited your feedback or those minuscule mistakes are causing confusion or harm or are having a multiplying negative impact or, the best option may be to let it go.


Habitually correcting someone on the inconsequential can do more harm than good. It can leave people feeling belittled, embarrassed, and hesitant to contribute. It can get in the way of developing strong connections and fracture relationships.


So, unless the mistake is truly consequential, resist the urge to correct.


Instead, focus on building a positive and supportive relationship with that person. After all, we all make mistakes — it’s what makes us human.

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