Invite, Don’t Invade

Welcome with a lightbulb and bolts

Are you inviting or invading?

In our daily interactions, we frequently choose between the two, often unaware of the choices we make and their impact.

With invitation, you create a warm and welcoming space where others feel valued and respected. You extend an open hand, inviting others to be themselves and share their unique perspectives. Inviting is like extending a warm handshake, showing that you’re happy to have the invitee around and interested in what they have to offer. When you invite, you create space for engagement.

Invasion, however, is an intrusion. When you invade, you impose your agenda onto others without regard for their feelings, perspectives, or boundaries. It’s forcing your way into a conversation or relationship without the consent of the other or consideration of their interests or comfort. When you invade, you crowd out space for others, leaving only room for you.

Invading the risk of pushing people away, making them feel uncomfortable or even violated. Invading can damage relationships, create unnecessary conflict, and lead to a lot of hurt and resentment.

Inviting creates a sense of openness and trust that can lead to deeper connections, meaningful relationships, and vibrant collaboration. Inviting shows that we value, respect, and care for the other person, and that we’re willing to listen and learn from them.

So, next time you’re interacting with someone, ask yourself: am I inviting them or am I invading them?

The way you approach others has a profound effect on how they feel about, perceive, and respond to you. So, be mindful, be respectful, and be inviting.

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